Beyond RHISC
Research shows that youth are tethered to their mobile devices to remain connected to social networks. As such, assumptions are being made by providers and researchers that texting via mobile phones and social networking sites (SNS) are a viable way to reach vulnerable young people of color. This study sought […]
The role of self-esteem and group identity in HIV risk behaviors among a sample of college-going women in New York City
Black women report higher self-esteem than women from other racial groups, and self-esteem has been protective against HIV in some groups. However, Black women’s self-esteem has not translated into lower […]
HIV knowledge, risk and protective factors among West African forced migrants in New York City
With ongoing political and social instability throughout the continent, many Africans have become forced migrants. Unlike immigrants who choose to migrate, forced migrants flee their countries in search of safety and often endure multiple traumatic events […]
It takes a village: Family-based HIV risk reduction for adolescents exhibiting externalizing behavior difficulties
This study explored the feasibility and acceptability of “It Takes A Village” (ITAV), a ten week family-based intervention addressing concurrent HIV risk and externalizing behavioral difficulties among inner-city minority adolescents. ITAV incorporates sexual risk-reduction features and externalizing […]
Transfer of HIV-protective techniques to adolescent boys by mothers and fictive kin
Male mentors can play a vital role in HIV primary prevention amongst adolescent males; especially those who reside in maternal single-parent households. In-depth interviews with ten triads (including mentors, mothers, and youth) describe their conversations with 9-15 year old […]
Strategies to maintain wellness among HIV positive former heroin users: Uncovering resilience
This qualitative study focuses on strategies that HIV+ former opioid users employ to maintain wellness. HIV+ former opioid users who are addressing medication management, depression and other emotional issues, amid the already difficult process of opioid recovery, face multiple […]
Thoughts and reflections on RHISC Dr. Beatrice J. Krauss, Principal Investigator [email protected]
Welcome Please click the "Presentation" tab to learn about the respective work of six RHISC Research Fellows in the field of HIV intervention for communities. Comments for each Fellow are strongly encouraged using the blog space below each presenter's biography.
Click the "Discussion" tab for a summarized commentary of RHISC Fellows' presentations by Dr. Beatrice J. Krauss, Principal Investigator. For more information on the RHISC program, click the "About RHISC" tab. For a list of all presenters, mentors and other contributors, please click the "Acknowledgments" tab.